Callistemon viminalis
Callistemon viminalis

This plant was assessed as Lower Risk in our Research Portal. You can conduct your own research on this or other plants by creating a free login to the portal.

Lower Risk
Invasive overseasNaturalised in a similar climate

Callistemon viminalis (Weeping Bottlebrush, Red Bottlebrush, Creek Bottlebrush)

(Melaleuca viminalis)

This small tree with long drooping branches is a native Australian species with a distribution that spans is WA, SA, Qld, NSW. It has been in the ornamental plant trade in Australia since 1941 and not known to have become naturalised or invasive in Australia. While it has been introduced to several countries where it has naturalised (Portugal, Botswana, Zimbabwe, South Africa, India, French Polynesia, El Salvador, Chile), it has only become invasive in the USA. Many cultivars of this species have been developed (C. viminalis ‘Captain Cook’; C. viminalis ‘Rose Opal’; C. viminalis ‘Dawson River Weeper’; C. viminalis ‘Hannah Ray’; C. viminalis ‘Prolific’; C. viminalis ‘Hen Camp Creek’; C. viminalis ‘Wild River’).