Pandanus utilis
Pandanus utilis

This plant was assessed as Lower Risk in our Research Portal. You can conduct your own research on this or other plants by creating a free login to the portal.

Lower Risk
Reproduces and spreads vegetatively

Pandanus utilis (Pandanus Screwpine; Madagascar Screwpine; Common Screw Pine)

( Hasskarlia globosa)

This slow-growing Madagascar native tree has been in the ornamental plant trade in Australia since 1861 and has not become naturalised in that time. Further, there is no evidence to indicate that the species is invasive anywhere in the world. Pandanus utilis produces cone-like fruits which are dispersed by squirrels and other mammals. The fruits are also suited for human consumption. The species can reproduce vegetatively by suckers. There is a moderate level of climate similarity between its native range and some parts of NSW. Pandanus Screwpine has characteristic aerial prop roots and linear leaves in a spiral arrangement.