Mandevilla laxa
Mandevilla laxa

This plant was assessed as Lower Risk in our Research Portal. You can conduct your own research on this or other plants by creating a free login to the portal.

Lower Risk
Naturalised in AustraliaProduces copious viable seed or propagulesSpread long distances by wind

Mandevilla laxa (Chilean Jasmine)

(Echites laxa)

This twining climber is a native of Peru to North Central Argentina. The species has been in the ornamental trade in Australia since 1850 and has become naturalised in NSW. Mandevilla laxa has been recorded as a weed of the natural environment somewhere in Australia, but no evidence of impact has been found. There is no evidence to suggest that Chilean jasmine is invasive anywhere in the world. Reproduction is by large amounts of wind-dispersed seed. There is a high degree of climate similarity between its native range and some parts of NSW.