Dietes bicolor
Dietes bicolor

This plant was assessed as Lower Risk in our Research Portal. You can conduct your own research on this or other plants by creating a free login to the portal.

Lower Risk
Spread long distances by wind

Dietes bicolor (Peacock Flower; Yellow Peacock Flower; Wild Iris; Bicolor Iris)

(Moraea bicolor, Iris bicolor)

This grass-like perennial herb is native to the Cape Province of South Africa. There is no data to show how long the species has been in the ornamental plant trade in Australia. However, there is no evidence that this species has naturalised, or become invasive, anywhere outside its native range. It has been reported to be growing in bushland in the Sydney region though not regarded as fully naturalised.  Reproduction is via water-dispersed seed and rhizomes. There are parts of NSW with climatic conditions similar to the species’ native range. Yellow iris-like flowers appear in spring and summer.